Food Scientist Wanna Be ^^

4:22 PM

-Masih berjibaku dengan karya ilmiah-

Today, I declarade as the winner. You know how it's feel? Amazing! Amazing! and amazing! While, this is not the first time, I always find it amazing for every victory. The road to my dream is getting closer.
Just take the first step in faith! It's my motivate. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step in faith!!

Me, Nabila Faradina Iskandar, fast learner, love technology, food scientist wanna be, japan student wanna be. Yeayy ^^

I'm doing Youth Ag Summit project, and I hope can be one in there!!
Australiaa, wait me on August :)

Momentum keberhasilan harus diciptakan secara tersetruktur! Harus berani bangun di saat yang lain masih asyik terlelap, lari saat yang lain bangun, dan sampai saat yang lain baru mulai berlari!

Rentang tunggu, 8 November 2014 | Azifah Najwa

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